Whitetail’s goal is to provide the highest quality service by continuous improvement through the skillfulness of our most valuable asset – OUR PEOPLE.

As we pursue continuous improvement, knowing what we want to be is vital to our success. Included with our mission you will find our core goals and expectations. They are the basic VALUES and BELIEFS, the PRINCIPLES by which we operate. A mission provides direction, a vision of where we want to be. Before we had a mission, we made decisions based on individual perceptions and not on a unified objective. Now with a mission our decisions are made based on the principles established.

This vision includes operational excellence (safe, reliable, efficient and environmentally sound operations). With teamwork abounding, with everyone having PRIDE in his or her work and continuously improving every aspect of our business performance, we can accomplish our goal.

By working together with a common understanding, we will continue to excel as a leader in our industry. The common understanding of a shared vision of our future shall extend through Departmental Strategies all the way through specific activities of each group and each individual. Each of us shall provide our unselfish support in furthering this common understanding and commitment.

OUR PEOPLE –are the asset of most value; the asset that will lead us to achieving our vision.

Tim Wiemann, Owner/President